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The Dears - Dream Job

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Raised on Indie “Born in 1995, The Dears is the lifework of Murray A. Lightburn. Son of a jazzman-turned-preacher, Lightburn’s attunement to songwriting…” Posted on Aug 23rd, 2011 →

Your Ex-Lover Is Dead “Yes, hiring! Ever wanted to write for a music blog, but just too lazy to start your own? Then we…” Posted on Jul 7th, 2009 →

some beans “Συνεχιζοντας τις ανακρίσεις, πάμε πίσω στον Καναδά και σε ένα από τα πιο σπουδαία σχήματα απ'όσα περιστοίχισαν τους Arcade Fire…” Posted on Apr 17th, 2009 →

As Heard From Mars “Cette semaine, je dois vous avouer que j'ai eu beaucoup de misère à trouver un sujet pertinent à vous faire…” Posted on Oct 28th, 2008 →

Headphones On “I have not been very inspired by music lately. I do not mean that I'm not listening, oh I am,…” Posted on Oct 23rd, 2008 →

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