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Thank you guys for all the love and helping us get this to #1 on Hypem! Listen and <3 below!
After taking some much needed time off of remixing to work on our original material (which we can’t wait to show you!), we are back with one of our favourite songs and possibly our favourite remix to date. As a conscious goal for 2018, we really want to make an effort to include more of our musical story in our songs. Having come from a band background, it only feels natural to bring more guitars and big drums into our tracks. Hope you enjoy!
It is okay to fall apart
Such a wonderful world 👍🏆
Whoah 🤘🤪🤟
💓I LIKee IT!💓
the fuck love this song....devil in the form of the whore.
There exist a demon in America, the devil in the form of a whore, and she is the most beautiful and most intelligent Queen in the Earth!
It is inexplicable this supernatural scourge, extraterrestrial scoundrel, is the most AMAZING thing I ever did see and is my wife, and the love of my life.
The series of decisions presented me, have me feeling like a superstar sportsman in the champions arena, where losing is the greatest tragedy of the millenium, and winning grants a prize all the Earth will uproariously celebrate for all time!
@allister-baldwin-342563034 chup bsdk