PREMIERE: Connective Zone - Returned [Innate Editions]

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It had been ever so lonely out there, deep in the darkness of outer space. There were tall tales which he might be able to one day relive and reconcile but those were not to be told now. Those were to be kept firmly secret, locked away in the confines of his mind. For he had returned but what was out there must not.

Down here everything was normal. Life was normal. The people were normal.

Every day was just the same. Not like out there...

Occasionally he'd see flickers and flashes of the wild, alien like faces he'd left behind amidst the stars. Had they ever been real?

Returning was bittersweet.

Innate Editions are set to breathe life into a rare gem, a lost classic if you will. They are set to revive Connective Zone's 'Palm Palm', a millennium-era cult classic and Ben UFO favourite. Intelligent dance music, at its very very best.


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