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The American Hotel System is a rock band from Grand Rapids, Michigan that aims to provoke the mind through heartfelt lyrics and intentional musicality. The band has opened for Bon Jovi on their 2022 tour and their music has been featured in Relix Magazine, BuzzMusic, CLOUT, and LEVELUP. They are two time Music Prize finalists and Grand Champions of Music Prize 2022.
A brand new body of work and sonic adventure begins this year, starting with thunderous new alt-rock soarer 'Seattle', depicting the love story between frontman Jacob Betts and his wife. Anthemic and riff-ladened from the off, the song has a real epic feel to it from that first second, fronting those massive drums and guitar riffs that we all love and crave.
The band says "This song has taken three years to get just right, and we are so excited to finally share it with you! It seems like we are bombarded with division every time we open our newsfeeds or turn on our televisions with a constant storm of chaos and rage. We believe that love is the storm we need to stretch, grow, and blossom into new life." - Joe Ramsey (Liberty Music, 2023)
©2023 The American Hotel System
© 2023 SONO Music Group
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