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The wind beat heavily against her face, whipping her hair into a frenzy and urging her to squint against its sheer force. Edging closer to the precipice, and peering inquisitively over the cliff face she quickly gulped and shuffled backwards. She considered herself open-minded, up for an adventure, for trying things she'd never tried before, but she had to draw the line somewhere. And this was her line; her 'absolutely not'.
Lithuanian imprint Electric Shapes are no stranger to voyaging through strange, cosmic and alluring sonic terrain to mine for the very best unreleased gems. Their yearly Unreleased Territory compilation gathers artists who are part of their musical orbit, some who you'll see return year on year and others who are fresh faced and make their debuts for the first time. On the fourth instalment of the series, they've gathered a whopping 28 tracks from the likes of Etbonz and Gem Wallow to Dazion and Full Circle who each in turn venture into psychedelic sludge, trance-inducing waters and dark, mysterious lands.
Total Eclipse - Absolute Zero pitched down isn't it?
@ganlan: yes it is, it's an edit by Full Circle
@electric_shapes: Full Circle always know how to get most of the groove out from the older tracks. I love what they do! :) Just hoping that proper credit is given to the original composer of this track who is a pure wizard too 🙏