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This remix is the sound of the argument I lost with the girl I lost. I was frustrated, not with her but with the way we were failing. She was listening, but I couldn’t say what I needed to say, I couldn’t find the words, I was trying to remix this song and my frustration manifested in the distortion of the bass, and I played that bass back to myself louder and louder, it was the sound of all the words I couldn’t find, and I was too angry to do anything but make it louder. I finished the remix and went deaf in my left ear for two days. When the song finally left me, so did she.
Mixed by Tyler J Scott
Mastered by Dale Becker
Additional Production by Dante Marineli and Eden Eliah
Artwork by NickJayK
level 🤗🤝
amazing... 🖤
just read the info, and man i connect even more now. thanks so much for sharing your story and doing your thing. i feel that and appreciate big time!
@kimberley-matthews-1: Vibe innit
@damiankuhne: <3
can't even handle. THANK YOU 🙏🏼
soooooooooooo fuccin hawt
I felt your suffering before even reading the story. I'm destroyed too and in love in the same time. That's incredible!
@kanohimusic 🖤