Saavan - Slow

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Written on the way back from a road-trip celebrating their coming of age, “SLOW” is the debut EP of duo Lucas Mokrani and Claire Lengaigne. Linked by the spirit of evasion and spiritual elevation, these songs find their roots from the band's time into the wild. An introspection of the world, a quest for this moment of transcendence, dancing and chanting over minimal and elegant production. A poetic journey laying out the base of what’s to come from SAAVAN.


Down the hole
the preacher's hide
afraid of his feelings

It's all about
the fears we have

Smoky soul
driftin in
an ocean and sinking

It's all about
the surface now

Go slow
Watch your mind
It won't be easy
I think You can reach it

Go slow
hopes don't die
won't leave you in here
won't leave you in here

Go slow
Watch your mind
It won't be easy
I think You can reach it

On the road
by my side
never start pleading

It's all about
the fears we have

Dreamers hope,
dreamers fly,
others get leaded

It's all about
the surface now


Compositeur : Lucas Mokrani
Auteur : Claire Lengaigne, Lucas Mokrani
Mixage : Lucas Mokrani
Couverture : Valentin Meaux
Mastering : Spectrum Studio

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