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It is easy to start a war, but very difficult to stop it. War takes over everything leaving no room for words of understanding and forgiveness. The peace is fragile. The war begins with a shot. In order to flare a flame, it is enough to simply pull a trigger. Guns don’t shoot people do.

Guns Don’t Shoot - the second single from the upcoming album MOZAЇKA. The antiwar manifesto. A call for compassion focused into eternity.

ONUKA: The first thing an ancient man picked up was a stone and a stick. Since then, weapons and wars have always accompanied our history: a sword, a spear, a rifle, an atom. More power, more destructive power! Should the evolution be like this?

Weapons of the future become more sophisticated: likes, smartphones, media – people can be influenced, their lives in a vice of dependencies.

The sound of ‘Guns Don’t Shoot’ justifies the concept of the future album MOZAЇKA – a path into eclectic music and diversity. Powerful and sharp, it does not look like an inspiring, airy pilot single VSESVIT.

In the diverse, immense sound range one can hear the taste of metal and the inevitability of the growing threat. The ascetic techno where everything subordinated with a clear structure. If constructionism would suddenly become a music, it would sound just like that.

Available on
Apple Music: bit.ly/gds-amusic
iTunes: bit.ly/gds-itunes
Google Play: bit.ly/gds-gplay
Spotify: bit.ly/gds-spotify
Deezer: bit.ly/gds-deezer


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