Widowspeak - Dog [Live at Rough Trade NYC 2017] by acidjacknyc published on 2017-10-16T21:06:20Z Widowspeak 2017-10-13 Rough Trade NYC Brooklyn, NY USA Exclusive download hosted at nyctaper.com Recorded and produced by acidjack Soundboard (engineer: Jeremy) + Schoeps MK5 (DFC, at SBD, PAS)>KC5>CMC6>>Sound Devices MixPre6 (24/48)>polyWAV file>Adobe Audition CC (align, mix down, compression, limiter)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects, image)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, amplify, dither, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 ) Tracks [Total Time 1:13:35] 01 Right On 02 Perennials 03 Warmer 04 In the Pines 05 Narrows 06 All Yours 07 [banter1] 08 Ballad of the Golden Hour 09 The Dream 10 Expect the Best 11 Gun Shy 12 [banter2] 13 Dog 14 The Swamps 15 Harsh Realm 16 Fly On the Wall 17 [banter3] 18 Coke Bottle Green