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Awkward had its radio premiere on BBC 6 Music thanks to Chris Hawkins Early show on Sat 29th April 2017 and was played for a second time by Chris on 25th June.
‘a fresh young talent, some exciting new punk pop...that’s DIDI, a young producer, she’s only 21, youngest member of Music Producers Guild and now she’s stepping out from behind the desk. Feisty new punk there, from a very gifted young producer and performer, she’s a very bright girl who’s produced a good number of folk acts, bearing in mind she’s only 21 and that’s her own marriage of grubby pop punk. DIDI and that was Awkward on 6 Music’ Chris Hawkins BBC 6 Music.
'brilliant new LGBTQ anthem, Awkward, following epic debut from DIDI, a fierce and fearless artist' DIVA Magazine
‘fiercely provocative art-pop’ The Revue
‘powerful, imaginative musicality, raw honest lyrics’ Gigslutz
‘kick ass’ Eargasm blog

DIDI is better known as Hertfordshire producer Lauren Deakin Davies, who at 21 is the youngest full member of the Music Producer’s Guild. Having produced many tracks which have gained Radio 2, 3 and 6 play for the last four years, DIDI has recently launched herself into the fray as a solo act, with a debut single Sorry, which she wrote, recorded and released herself.

Hot on the heels of the debut single, DIDI is releasing Awkward, a punchy passionate anthem. Creatively produced with organic percussion (including cold cups of tea tweaked to resonate in the right key!), DIDI has thrown out the rule book to create something of herself, for herself. Ironically, the searing honesty in the lyrics has inadvertently created a song which resonates for many especially those within the LGBTQ+, disabled and minority groups #endtheawkward.
Awkward is coming out as an independent release on 28th April.

‘This song was initially written about a situation that seems to happen a lot to me and my friends, especially the female musicians. People seem to have a sense of entitlement over you when you have put yourself ‘out there’, as if you have open the door to ridicule and its ok for them to say it because ‘you have just been on stage so you must have a thick skin’. But it doesn’t work like that, often the criticisms are completely unprovoked and unnecessary and it’s packaged up as constructive criticism, but in reality, it’s just un called for.
This song gets more specific though, it’s not just about the comments online or people whispering about you, it’s about the bold faced people who think they know better than you and want you know about it, and think they can just dominate all your time and topics or just linger and make you talk. And I’ve realized that the sentiment here may resonate with the often patronizing experiences that many people have told me they have, where people speak for you or think they know best. Which is why I want to associate actively with #endtheawkward.
This song draws attention to the fact this situation happens in many different guises to many different people, and I think it’s important to bring it out into the open. This song is trying to hit home the subtle issue that still plagues day to day situations, and how to try deal with it. Ultimately I don’t think the people doing it are aware of how unpleasant their behaviour is, so hopefully this song will make people think before they just hit you with their UNSOLICITED OPINION!

Thanks for listening. Hope you enjoyed it! Do get in touch.
You can find me on facebook


  • Nick Byrne
    at 0:56

    love the rhythm

  • DIDI
    at 2:53

    @progrockdan1: aha tell me about it! :')

  • bluescales
    at 1:01

    SUPERBE RYTHMIQUE what a sound , great

  • DIDI
    at 1:01

    @mixblue: Thank you very much!

  • Wud Records
    at 1:24

    Enjoying the lyrics and dynamics - I think we all know somebody like the the 'you' that you describe, n'est pas? Nice precise velvet touch with the faders BTW. :)

  • DIDI
    at 1:24

    @wud-records: Thank you very much! I clearly was feeling quite awkward when I wrote this aha! :')

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