Love Like This ft. Lastlings


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Love Like This is our second release in a series of new material, it's really special to us for a number of reasons. Most of all because we’ve been working on it in various iterations for over two years now.

A couple of months ago we were driving to the airport and heard Lastlings on the radio, we didn’t catch their name but their track ‘Chills’ really stayed with us. From the moment Amy's vocals hit we knew they’d be perfect for this song but we didn’t get Shazam out in time and were ultimately unable to find out who they were. A month or so after that a friend was playing the same tune at a house party, we asked who they were and it turned out the band were friends of friends - a crazy coincidence since we live in different cities. We reached out about collaborating and were delighted when they hit us straight back letting us know that they were keen.

When we first started on Love Like This, among countless other new songs back in 2014 we really felt like we really had something special. Little did we know Amy’s version of the vocal was to uncover an entirely different dimension here that we were totally not expecting. It finally sounded complete.

Official Video:

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