Norma Jean - Forever Hurtling Towards Andromeda


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Norma Jean's POLAR SIMILAR will release 9.9.16. Pre-Order on iTunes or on Vinyl/CD at the Solid State Online Store:


  • doctor
    at 0:12


  • Ian Joseph Pearson
    at 1:54

    What are the lyrics at this point?

  • Chow Mein
    at 1:59


  • Caske Redner
    at 1:39

    At first I thought it was kind of a waste of having Sean Ingram only do that one verse toward the end, but after repeated listens I really dig it. It's the first song off their new album I liked.

  • Olivier Torfs
    at 0:53

    kickass track!!!

  • TenAom10
    at 1:41


  • heclysma
    at 0:30

    to be honest, i love this track

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