Crying Day Care Choir - Wedding Song by VÅRØ published on 2016-06-01T19:10:58Z Listen on Spotify: "We will marry in the woods, next to a big tree" Jack and Sara had sung these words for some time when they finally married each other five years ago, and did so next to a big tree. Over time, the words have grown in pace with the tree and now 2016 they have at last turned into a complete song, a wedding song if you will. Celebrate love. First single on VÅRØ by wonderful act Crying Day Care Choir. Wedding Song was written by Jack and Sara for their wedding, now it's recorded and released June 3. Crying Day Care Choir consists of Jack Elz (Sara's husband), Sara (Jack's wife) and Bill Nystedt (Jack's brother). Video: Crying Day Care Choir on FB: Crying Day Care Choir on Instagram: Crying Day Care Choir on Spotify: VÅRØ on FB: VÅRØ on Instagram: VÅRØ on Twitter: Genre Folk & Singer-Songwriter Comment by Sophieeeeeee i want this playing at my wedding 2017-05-07T21:50:34Z Comment by Monique Neuenschwander female vocal needs to louder 2016-08-01T10:15:43Z