Ramzoid - Nature Nature

A Trip To Soda Island
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'Nature Nature' by @ramzoid

hypem! awe.sm/z1bAZ

iTunes - itunes.apple.com/ca/album/nature-…019?i=1104703025
Spotify - open.spotify.com/album/3ecwbImUuKrWGi9zl3av3g

One of the first things we notice when leaving the shores is the incredible variety of plants and creatures that inhabit the island. Our trip is a long holiday but there’s no reason for us not to make the most out of it and learn as much as we can about this place. Thanks to our map we’ve been able to find one of the ancient and most important structures that holds information regarding this cosmos, The Underwater Library, where remains of the Carbonaencyclopedia are preserved. The Underwater Library is a huge archive of documents and tales regarding the Sod-Abiogenesys (The Creamy Bang), The Mono / Stereo Age, The Hertz Division and the Wi-Fi Pinnacle erection. The complex biology that distinguishes every living creature is classified and analyzed for its function and features, as well as it's ‘spectral echo’- On Soda Island every atom of matter has a sonic counterpart that vibrates at a certain frequency creating inaudible resonance. This unstable duality of nature is what keeps everything interconnected and provides energy to synthesize and create life/sound. Nature/Nature.

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