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Swedish wonder-duo franskild who have previously remixed Maya Jane Coles, Crookers and Style of Eye deliver a delicious and smooth genre-anxious remix with equal parts of deep-house, techno and tropical.
1. Swim - Lying to you (franskild Remix)
2. Swim - Next to me (Rivet Remix)
3. Swim - Next to Me (Boeoes Kaelstigen Remix)
4. Swim - Next to Me (Konstantin Remix)
5. Swim - Next to Me (Totte Remix)
DJ feedback:
Maya Jane Coles - Franskild kill it with an amazing remix as always!
Noir - Thats a dope remix
Piemont - Franskild remix is super fresh
Karizma - Loving the franskild remix
James Teej - franksild's remix of lying to you is outstanding, amazing rework
omg awesome
Killer track
Really Nice!
Nice <3