A R I Z O N A - I Was Wrong (offrami x Jiinio Remix)

Deep House
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Hello guys,

It's been a long time coming but we have a little something to kickstart your weekend with only good energy. One of the most beautiful premieres we have ever had the privilege to share is coming your way in less than 1 hour. Get ready for the most inspiring and emotional joining forces of @ramiofficial x @jiinio who step up yet again, putting a breathtaking spin on this masterpiece from @thisisarizonamusic - turn up the vibes this Friday!

Support RAMI:
Music - fanlink.to/offrami
Instagram - instagram.com/offrami
Twitter - twitter.com/offrami
Youtube - bit.ly/2QUJJLN

Support Jiinio:
SC: @jiinio
FB: www.facebook.com/JiinioOfficial
IG: www.instagram.com/jiinio/
TW: twitter.com/Jiinio

Support A R I Z O N A:
SC: @thisisarizonamusic
IG: www.instagram.com/thisisarizonamusic/
TW: twitter.com/arizona_music
YT: www.youtube.com/c/thisisarizonamusic

Support the Aux network:
SC: @auxlondon x @auxdeep x @auxselected x @auxrecordsofficial
FB: www.facebook.com/auxlondon
YT: www.youtube.com/auxlondon
IG: www.instagram.com/auxlondon
TW: www.twitter.com/aux_london

Download for free on The Artist Union: theartistunion.com/tracks/8c6306?s…ref=description


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