Kasbo - Not Over [Free Download]

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Hey guys, excited to finally show you the first single from my "Umbrella Club" EP. I've been putting together this EP over the past year and really excited how it turned out. Hope you enjoy! <3

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Artwork by: instagram.com/vojomojo/


  • Atlas ॐ
    at 0:01

    Let it begin

  • brndn
    at 0:57

    this is still one of the most ambitous projects ive heard and its almost been 6 yrs if u see this kasbo ily so fucking much u changed my life forever

  • Rogue Inertia
    at 0:27


  • Mush1e
    at 0:42

    This song is amazing, i can't tell you what this song means to me. It's just amazing how i can fall sleep to this song, get goosebumps when i hear it in the car, and do sprints on my bike with this. Just an all around amazing song.

  • idriz428
    at 2:19


  • idriz428
    at 1:39


  • idriz428
    at 0:40


  • Kyle Dietz
    at 2:52

    love that hot chip reference omg

  • Justin Robbins
    at 0:58

    Wub wub wub

  • Grown and Healthy
    at 0:49


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