Sonns - Teacher feat. Tobias Buch / DANSE VERSION by Kompakt published on 2015-11-27T10:42:33Z (E) One of the most fervent producers in the West Coast dance community is musician and DJ Alexandre Mouracade - but you might rather know him as one half of tag team Split Secs or purveyor of fine underground tunes SONNS. Following up his 2013 solo debut "On My Mind" on Machine Limited - an imprint owned and operated by himself and Split Secs partner in crime TK Disko aka Travis Kirschbaum -, he went on to remix The Field's "Cupid's Head" in 2014, besides releasing material and remixes on labels like MERC, Clouded Vision, DFA, Future Classic, Gomma Records, Wolf & Lamb and more. It's a particularly prolific trajectory leading up to his latest offering TEACHER - which turns out to be a more than fitting addition to SONNS' versatile back catalogue, thanks to its skillful amalgamation of electronic songwriting and floor-oriented beat design. Impregnated by the early 90s Southern California punk scene, Mouracade soon relocated to the shores of electronic music where he honed his tastes in techno, house, disco and leftfield sounds. Now a household name in the Los Angeles underground dance milieu, his DJ sets as SONNS carry the influences of a life lived with the sounds of NEU!, Tones on Tail or Arthur Russell: a genre-bending bricolage ranging from punk- infused club serenades to multi-colored synth riffs. It's an ideal backdrop to his studio sessions where he routinely fuses vintage analog equipment with digital synths, guitar pedals and field recordings. This expertise heavily informs the new single TEACHER, a tightly woven cut that not only comes in a propelling DANSE VERSION and as pop-indebted original, but also features the rich and silky vocals of TOBIAS BUCH - the lead singer of psychedelic soul trio The Late Great Fitzcarraldos and the voice of SONNS' classics "On My Mind" and "Starts Tonight". Together with the flipside's crackling stomper BEST, this is a masterfully composed EP catering to both the gleeful romantic and the affectionate incendiary. Genre electro