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"If She, If He"
Songwriting and Vocals by. @EASTGHOST
Additional Vocals by. Francesca Gonzales
Composition and Prod by. UV boi فوق بنفسجي
If I were meant to love not for today
Unblighted by ones own self enemy
To walk amongst a flood of memories
Imitating someone less valorous
Wild eyes, rolling back, met you every night at the room in silver
Yes i wish i wish i never knew you till then
Famished by the thought i’ll ever lose this feeling
Moved by everything you represent yourself with
Vowed to ascend and thrive, five years in the making for this
Yes i wish i wish i never knew that coldness
Blessed to recognized the truth in every moment
Been listening for 10 years Now, best song ever created. Definition of art
Still here g!
One of the best songs on SoundCloud
8 years later and I'm still coming back
Yo its been years since i stumbled upon you and this track... i was locked up and your albums were available to purchase in the system.. your music set me free <3 thx uvboi
wild eyes rolling back met you every night at the room in silver
4ever and ever
rmbr hearing this back when it was released, this shit is timeless bro
Stoll so good
not looking 4 salvation has me more aware of my surroundings, i can go down this bike path n end up in a private butterfly house