Extra Medium, Mr Switch & Cab Canavaral - Size Up **Out Now**

Size Up

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Had a massive amount of fun on this one collaborating with two artist I highly rate @Cab Canavaral and @Mr Switch

★OUT NOW★ Buy & Stream here: fanlink.to/extra-medium-size-up-ep

"Ladies and Gentle-fellas! Time to get schwinggae…

A warm and hearty ‘Welcome-to-Scour-Records-pop-your-clothes-on-the-side’ going out to @extramedium! He’s been busy secretly crafting this delectable EP for a long while, and we’ve been hugely excited with each progression. It’s an honour to be able to share his swing-bass with the Scourdem crew.

From the opening low swung bass driven groover of 'Blues Boogie Bass', to the all original collaborative title track 'Size Up' - featuring the silky slick skills of 4x World DMC Champion @dj-mr-switch on the cuts, and the supreme sax'yness of @cab-canavaral's horn. Onward through to the house infused number 'Go Away', and rounded up with the truly splendiferously melodic piano flavoured 'Lazy Bones' - we hope this latest Artist EP has that little something for everyone, as is the strived for way of all things Scour. Be warned though, this EP is so filthy-georgeous shakermaker it will make your hair explode into a glorious technicolour afro…or your money back!*

Welcome to Scour Extra Medium, you sexy, swinging, filthiest of beasts!

*Just larking, but we will give you your own special technicolour afro in any hairy area of your choice.

Extra Medium
SoundCloud: @extramedium
Facebook: facebook.com/extramedium1
Twitter: twitter.com/extramediumuk
Hearthis: hearthis.at/extramedium
Bandcamp: www.extramedium.bandcamp.com

Scour Records
SoundCloud: @scourrecords
Facebook: facebook.com/scourrecords
Twitter: twitter.com/scourrecords
YouTube: youtube.com/scourrecords
Hearthis: hearthis.at/scourrecords
Bandcamp: www.scourrecords.bandcamp.com

Artwork by Krishna Malla: www.krishnamalla.com
Promo blurb by Fat Harry: www.facebook.com/pages/Fat-Harry/…41875072?fref=ts
Mastering by Warp9: www.warp9music.com/mastering


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