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Over the past few years, Pittsburgh-based producer, @buku, has been steadily rising the ranks in the bass music scene, landing his unique originals and remixes on lowend-loving labels like Main Course and Never Say Die. With each release, Buku has exhibited a burgeoning repertoire of crazed synthesized sounds, and today, he’s laid them all on the table with the multifaceted, three-track 'Might Be EP'.
'Might Be' makes an immediate statement with a swarm of springy bass bounce pumping at 150BPM in the EP’s title track. The fiery momentum then carries on into the psychotic episode that is “Laugh Track” which acts as a testament to Buku’s fearlessness and bold use of samples in the studio. Finally, the EP phases out with the third production, “Freaknik” – a forceful track defined by its unique snare surges and polarized vocal pitches.
The trio of diverse tracks find synergy in their potent dynamism, displaying a cohesive body of work from Buku that affirms his position amongst the next generation of bass producers.
Buku on:
amazing really it amazing
oh my
really brilly
omg hahahahhaa yasss
Has me and my 2 year old laughing together!!