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Cashy Cat SXSW shows:

12th March - Pitchfork Day Party @ French Legation, 3:30 PM
12th March - LuckyMe x Warp Showcase @ Empire Auto, 10:00 PM
13th March - Mad Decent Showcase @ Empire Control Control Room, 12:30 AM
14th March - Future Classic x IHEARTCOMIX @ Empire Garage, 3:00 PM
14th March - Windish Showcase @ Haven, 11:00 PM
15th March - ISO50 + No Fear of Pop Showcase @ Hype Hotel, 3:00 PM

From "Wedding Bells EP" out now on LuckyMe ♪♫♡
Get it here...

iTUNES → smarturl.it/ccitunes
AMAZON → smarturl.it/ccwbamazon
BLEEP → smarturl.it/ccbleep
BOOMKAT → smarturl.it/ccboomkat
HHV → smarturl.it/cchhv


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