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This my new single ‘Why?’ feat. Spoonface. It blends 808 Bass music with dubbed out funkadelica, creating a sweet melodic but full frequency jam that reaches for the heart as well as the feet. It features the haunting vocals of my good mate MC Spoonface from the UK, full of longing and loss. ‘Why’ contemplates the inexplicable nature of humankind and why we do what we do to each other, a theme more explicitly rendered in the hard hitting artwork which was a collab with the awesome Tryga Design. I was in 2 minds as to whether to go down this route but I believe the dialogue it will generate is more important than any confusion or controversy that might come about because of it.
The person in the picture is a real person with a family just like you and me and some how ended up being tortured by non military members of hired private armies fighting 'on behalf' of the the American people. No trial, no due process of law. And for what? For who? Why?
For more information on this theme check out these great documentaries on at least part of the reasons human conflict arises in the 21st century when there really is enough for everyone.
'Iraq For Sale: Profiteers of War' -
Why We Fight -
It's out on High Chai Recordings with remixes from Snareophobe, Mr Bill and The OriGinLz
sssoooo good... 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
AWESOME.ness !!! . . BUT . CaN YoU.R BraiN Keep uP wiTh YoU.R bODy ??? . . . ♫ QuantiFreq ~♥~ Music ♫ . . √Brain Science² Music . . Enjoy.tain YOUR Brain !!! . . Tag 'ur IT !!! . . #DubStepScientifica . .
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love the hi hat placement and the fx you have coupled with ti! HAWT!
oh yeah!
Good stuff bro!
excellant! i vibe this