This is fucking beyond great. I love the judicious use of atmospheric guitars which I'm assuming you played. When you start jury rigging the bass all to fuck is when it's a good time to have Genelec subs. Too bad I don't but it still sounded fucking good. Instant download.
love it
Holy shit really love this
Great intro
This is seriously the coolest thing I have heard in a while, I love it man. Can't wait to hear more from you.
love the percussion here
This is fucking beyond great. I love the judicious use of atmospheric guitars which I'm assuming you played. When you start jury rigging the bass all to fuck is when it's a good time to have Genelec subs. Too bad I don't but it still sounded fucking good. Instant download.
@dripzzz: yup
MY PARAKEET LOVES THIS INTRO, i tried to tell him that the whole song is pretty sick too, put it at the top of my Best of /mu/ list
@todd-christ: fuck yeah, thanks dude. tell your parakeet I say "wuttup"
love the pumping sounds