"The Next Chapter (Still Love H.E.R.)" Feat. COMMON [Produced by J.PERIOD]

Hip Hop
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Premiering on Billboard.com this week (www.billboard.com/articles/columns…r-still-love-her) and celebrating the release of NY Times best-selling author Adam Mansbach's novel, Rage Is Back, J.PERIOD joins forces with hip hop icon COMMON for the exclusive new single, "The Next Chapter (Still Love H.E.R.)" [Produced by J.PERIOD]. "The Next Chapter (Still Love H.E.R.)" celebrates the latest episode in COMMON’s lifelong lyrical love-affair with hip hop, over exclusive production by J.PERIOD, and marks the second installment of a literary first: exclusive promo music released in tandem with a new novel.

Set against the backdrop of graffiti-era New York, Manbach’s Rage Is Back delivers a mind-bending journey through a subterranean world of epic heroes and villains, and is already being called “the great American graffiti novel.” A must-read for any literate hip-hop fan, Rage is Back is available in the iTunes bookstore (itunes.apple.com/us/book/rage-is-…d540077534?mt=11) and is currently one of Amazon’s “Books of the Month” (www.amazon.com/Rage-Is-Back-A-Novel/dp/0670026123).

On Twitter: @JPERIODBK @COMMON @AdamMansbach #RageIsBack


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