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Lightknife - Witchcraft - Feedbacks
James Monro (4DigitalAudio) - chunky remix...fat, loud and nicely produced...thnx 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
A. Balter (Digital Structures) - Nice 7/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Spartaque (I AM Techno / Kiss FM / UA) - Piatto's RMX is for me! 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Tocadisco (Tocacabana / Toca45) - Piatto always gets... 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Chris Ward (Climax / Clubeducate) - Complete tie between the original and the piatto remix of witchcraft for me. Nice tracks. Chris 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Lenny Douglas (House Nation / SF) - Damn!! Awesome stuff!! LMAO @ Darling!! 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Steve Parry (The Red Zone - Juice 107.6 FM) - piatto mix is amazing! 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Funkagenda (Funk Farm / Toolroom) - cool, thanks 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Kazell - Excited to see new artists coming from U.S like the "darkness" K 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Luigi Rocca (303Lovers / Hotfingers) - Big Techno! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Perfect Stranger (Digital Structures / Iboga) - I have a new favorite producer :) Super, will play them till I had it. 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Chloe Harris (Further / Proton Radio) - interesting productions. 7/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Joan Reyes (Fresco Records) - Piatto remix is the bomb! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Q'Hey (MB Elektronics) - Piatto Remix is the one for me. 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Tempered DJs (1605) - Great EP , the 2 versions of Witchcraft are special!! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
D.A.V.E. The Drummer (Hydraulix / Elektrax) - Allo, nice sounds here. great tracks. 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Ahmet Sendil (Bosphorus / Abslolut) - piatto remix rocks ! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Tom Hades (Rhythm Converted) - Nice package ! 7/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Nic Fanciulli (Saved) - Downloading Now 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Dave Dresden (1) - Glitter Goth and Darling are both pretty good tracks! 7/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Erwin Kelemen (Freies Radio Freudenstadt) - fat beats,will play this tune 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Piatto (Italo Business) - NIce 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Vince (Paris to St Tropez Radio show) - yoooooo !!!!! darling love it lol 10/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Dave Seaman (Audiotherapy) - piatto mix for me 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Virus AV Podcast - Great release! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Radio Studio One ( - Really like Plato's remix, nice drive, will be played. 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Eddie Halliwell (Fire It Up) - passing on to eddie for support 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Frank (Partysan / Germany) - thanks! cool stuff again 8/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Filthy Rich (Spektre) (Respekt) - Piatto remix is the best here... 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
The Advent (Kombination Research) - Witchcraft (Piatto Remix) .. 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Alexander Madness (N.O.I.A / 1605 / Italo Business) - Witchcraft (Piatto Remix) is my fav. here. 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
D-Formation (Toolroom) - DL for D-Formation 8/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Tesla (Rezone / 1605 / Bulldozer) - PIATTO GREAT REMIX! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Damien J. Carter (In House We Trust Radio Show) - Matt Devereaux downloading for Damien J. Carter! We support it in our IN HOUSE WE TRUST RadioShow 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Jerome Isma-Ae (Armada / Jee Productions) - Matt Devereaux downloading for Jerome Isma-ae! thank u very much! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Mark Denken (Italo Business / 1605 / Human Garden) - What a nice ep , all the tracks sounds cool for me ! Piatto rocks! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Jesse Suspekt (Open Records) - Piatto's mix is a winner! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Re Dupre (Miami Underground) - bomb ep!! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Andrea Di Rocco (Diva / Italo Business / Sleaze) - Nice one. 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Gabriele Gilleri ( - not for me, supporting 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Amotz Tokatly (Punch Music) - Goth! 8/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Alen Milivojevic (1605 / Pornographic) - Piatto rmx for me ;) 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Amo + Navas (Fresco Records) - really like piatto remix 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Andrea Bertolini (Stereo Seven Plus) - cool 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Marco Lenzi - The Piatto remix does the business. 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Brian (Global Dance Session) - Slamming EP ! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Sisko Electrofanatik (Neurotraxx) - Owesome Ep! Love All tracks and bass grooove!!! and Piatto my Techno Hero!!! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Alex & Filip (Mirablis / Respekt / SOA) - very cool ep. defo playing! 7/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Beau Pavic (Versuz Essentials / BE) - Downloading for Dave Lambert 8/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Axel Karakasis (Remain Records) - great! will play 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Anton Sever (Kiss FM / UE) - Piatto is my choice! Perfect as always 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Cid Inc (Replug / MicroCastle / Tribal Vision) - Darling for me, thanks 6/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Jalebee Cartel (Maktub Music / Mashtronic Rec) - Witchcraft original for me 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Umek (1605) - piatto for me! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Shin Nishimura (Plus Records / Sleaze / Tokyo) - Piatto Remix is really fine to me! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Paco Osuna (Plus 8 / Minus) - download thank you :) 8/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Aldrin (OneWithMusic / Zouk ) - Witchcraft original is twisted! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Max Freegrant (Fragmatic) - Monster remix! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Jonty Skruff - yes, i have to admit this appeals to my sense of humour (not sure what that says above me!) 7/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Sami Wentz - Support ;) thanks 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Veztax (Vezotonik / Sub Cult) - Piatto remix for my radio show .. thx 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Hybrid (Distinctive) - loVE THE pIATTO MIX..Deadly... 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Taster Peter (Trapez / Tronic) - Witchcraft original & piatto remix are hot! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Anderson Noise (Radio Noise / Noise Music) - very good 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Robin Hirte (Truth Tracks / Stereo Seven Plus / Nervous NY) - Piatto Remix for me thank 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Treavor Moontribe (Ingrooves) - Piatto remix is good 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Ian Resler (Alterimage) - Piatto remix thumps! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Riyaz Khan (Diversions 105.5 FM) - the quirky Witchcraft (Original Mix) is my jam ! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Damolh33 (Brood Audio) - support 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Anthony Attalla (Incorrect Music) - Piatto for the win! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Christof (iBZ Recordings) - Killer Release....Piatto rmx for me.....Like also the Glitter Goth...Will play Loud.... 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Slam (Soma / Paragraph) - nice EP- will try out thanx 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Stefano Lotti (Phobiq / Gastspiel / Capsula) - I will try Darling. Thank you!!! 8/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Andris R. - Dark italo business.Nice! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Pierre Deutschmann (Blufin) - piattos mix.. ty.. will play 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Alex Long (1605) - love it! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Seismal D (Amazing Records / Sleaze) - Piatto for me!! thanks 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Phunk Investigation (1605 / Blufin / Toolroom) - Witchcraft Piatto Remixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Grant Paterson (Edinburgh Evening News) - A full on Driving tech package that's well handy! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Bodyscrub (Phobiq / Capsula / 1605) - Great tracks....full support!!!! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Mollo (Flat Belly) - cool ep! 8/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Marco Pellegrini ( - Good tracks, support!! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
- glitter goth has an interesting sound, would like to hear some remixes of that and also darling. 7/10 - [Darling / Original Mix]
Andreas Tatzreiter (Energy FM / Austria) - GOOD! Piatto Remix for me! Great package overall! 9/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Chris Stavropoulos (Insomnia / Free Radio FM) - Strong and solid, supporting 8/10 - [Glitter Goth / Original Mix]
Pena (Flow Vinyl) - piatto rmx for me on this one. 6/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Dandi & Ugo (Italo Business) - THAT RELEASE IS A BOMB !!! 10/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Dennis The Menace (Tribal Vision) - This is trippy! 8/10 - [Witchcraft / Original Mix]
Christian Cambas (1605 / Sabotage / Greatstuff) - Very cool stuff, the Piatto Remix is my favorite! 7/10 - [Witchcraft / Piatto Remix]
Is the monster already released some where?
@thedarkisdark: It will be released in June on Italo Business Recs
:) ir sounds nice. Good Job i'll be following you
@electronic-maniac: thank you and thanks for the support!
@ballsofsteel: send me an email and ill shoot a link over
Huuuuuuurrrrrr WE GOOOOO! ^_^
Great Track!!
@fabiancampos: Thanks!
Ok I'm good.
That was fun ! Imma play it again.