The Chemistry Set - She's Taking Me Down

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Album release out now on digital & physical February 21st 2011 through Hypnote

Psychedelic-Pop band The Chemistry Set have quite a history. Flexidisc kings and veterans of the Imaginary label (Chameleons, Cud, plus countless sixties tribute albums), they helped pioneer the late 80’s neo-psychedelic boom that was a pivotal phase in pop music history leading to the Madchester craze unfolding locally around them, and its quick absorption of electronic music. Indeed counting Factory & Hacienda boss Tony Wilson amongst their fans, The Chemistry Set reached the coveted Indie Top 20 as they were featured in both UK mainstream and underground music press. Receiving regular airplay on the legendary John Peel’s show (Peel even went so far as to sending the band a hand-written fan letter!), they also toured globally but have held a deep fondness for Spain, making lifelong friends there. The band split in 1991, took a bit of a hiatus, remaining silent… until The Chemistry Set “MACH II” remarkably reappeared in 2008! Their return came about when their unreleased LP from 1989 "Sounds Like Painting" somehow was uploaded onto numerous blogs and was downloaded over 10,000 times.
Arranger/songwriter [and former Electric Prunes member] David Axelrod loves The Chemistry Set, saying “Real Music! Music that makes you think and really listen to!” He loved how they have added a symphonic section of his song "Sanctus" from The Electric Prunes’ masterwork "Mass in F Minor" into their new reworking on the album of Del Shannon's "Silver Birch". Originally found on Shannon’s "The Further Adventures Of Charles Westover", his cult 1968 LP widely acknowledged by rock aficionados to be the to pop milestone of his post-“Runaway”/pre-suicide era. This calls to memory the occasion when The Chemistry Set once went so far as to insert a cover version inside of another cover. Their version of "See Emily Play" (for the Syd Barrett tribute "Beyond the Wildwood" [Imaginary]) has the "Bicycle Rider" section of The Beach Boys then still unfinished "Smile" album inserted within the song. Their cover was singled out in glowing reviews of the tribute and was highly noted.

This Chemistry Set’s new line-up brings a whole new dimension both live and ‘on record' (including which adds their longtime friends from Spain, like DJ Gato, who, besides turntable, adds even more electronics than the Mellotrons and Farfisas TCS fans might be accustomed to. Using instruments and methods old and new, acoustic, electric and electronic, together they were a big surprise at a few 2010 European festivals. This exquisite new album of songs flows together like a healing psychedelic journey of time and place ought to!

Clint Boon [Inspiral Carpets & XFM DJ] : "The Chemistry Set are a f**kin great band"
David Axelrod [Composer/Arranger/Songwriter/Electric Prunes/Genius!]: "Real music! music that makes you think and really listen to"
Ian Fraser [Terrascope]: “These are no mere 60s retreads but excellent songs in their own right that betray Lake and Mclean’s unerring sensibility for thoroughly cracking tunes. “She’s Taking Me Down” is the pinnacle of this astonishingly good collection, but “Seeing Upside Down”, “Look Into The Sky” and “If Rome Was Meant To Fall” all give it a damn good run for the gold medal. And there’s any number of others that could lay claim to the title of best in class if I’m honest. It is absolutely criminal that two men this talented aren’t household names and living in the lap of luxury"


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