Stars-Dead Hearts (lightsoverla remix)

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  • ˑ l | [ Jº§H ] | l ˑ
    at 2:32

    Łøve ¥øu <3

  • Bogdan Ionescu
    at 1:23


  • Renzo Costa
    at 2:50

    Not sure if you still check your soundcloud, but this song was big for me growing up. I haven't heard it in at least 6 years. It just randomly popped into my head. But I was immediately brought back to the time when I would listen to this constantly. Thank you so much for creating this.

  • Sabrina pizza
    at 1:34


  • joe son
    at 0:01

    Its so awsome

  • OsVVald Tracks
    at 2:26

    You made it even more beautiful ?

  • Anthony Boutsady
    at 0:13

    This is amazing. Idk why it isn't more popular!

  • ABC123
    at 0:39

    they were kids that i once knew ;;;

  • Swizzle Sticks
    at 0:28

    this is great omg

  • Cameron Walls
    at 0:38

    awesome ^.^

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