That's So Gay

This San Francisco “queercore” band celebrates its raucous and colorful 15-year history (rounding down) with its first studio recording in six years. It’s been a long time since its 1993 debut, when finding openly gay rock musicians was a rare thing; a key reason Ginoli founded the band, and he infused its sound with unabashedly gay themes. Pansy Division still revel in lyrics featuring X-rated humor that’s both clever and adolescent, and its punk-pop- based sound continues, although the “punk” edge has dulled a bit over the years. “Twinkie Twinkie Little Star” gets things going with a scathing ditty about an attenton-seeking, new guy in town, the twin guitars full and hook-laden, the structure easy and bouncy. “Average Men” is a great surprise, with Jello Biafra making a guest appearance: it’s about big, beefy, (straight) NASCAR-loving men, and has a big, beefy sound to match. The title track bubbles with surf punk energy, and“Pat Me On The A*s” is a rockabilly fueled nod to the perks of playing football. It’s all fun ’n games as usual, and gay wannabe rockers everywhere might tip their hat to this band’s courage, humor and longevity.