Grey Britain

Grey Britain is the U.K. hardcore punk quintet’s response to current-day greed and racism, delivered with mouth-frothing ferocity. It’s true that the unlikely use of strings on “Vulture (Act I)” and “Misery” adds some embroidery to the pervasive sturm und drang, but really, Grey Britain can best be seen as a conceptual successor to the Clash’s London Calling and similarly politically minded punk discs of the ‘80s. Singer Frank Carter is unrelenting in his indictment of his nation’s ills, bellowing his way through “Leeches,” “Death Voices,” “Queensberry Rules” and “Crucif**ks” with righteous rage. The tongue-lashing he gives St. Peter during “The Great Forgiver” is a highpoint. The shout-along choruses to “London Is the Reason” and “I Dread the Night” invite the alienated everywhere to join in the struggle. Under the production guidance of GGGarth Richardson, the tracks seethe, slash and even swing, especially on the maniacal boogie tune “Graves.” Brutal and sporadically brilliant, Grey Britain burns white-hot from first cut to last.