When LCD Soundsystem called in quits in 2011, The Juan MacLean stepped into the marquee slot of the famed label DFA. In a Dream shows they're up for the task. Centering the tracks around frequent collaborator and erstwhile LCD vocalist Nancy Whang (that's her on the cover), main man John MacLean infuses his Krautrock-inspired dance jams with bits of house, disco, and punk. "Running Back to You" is a dreamy extended funk workout that recalls The Who's "Eminence Front." "Love Is Here" is trance-inducing synth-pop, while "I've Waited for So Long" looks to the '80s for its angular textures. The collaboration peaks on "A Simple Design": a deep, spooky groove that doubles as catchy pop, with Whang doling out la-la-la's like candy on Halloween.