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Before Telling Dragons

from Nature's Got Away by Karl Blau

00:00 / 04:09
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Recorded by Karl Blau


Before telling dragons where to lay
Point out all the ruins where the chicks can play
Common sense pray pay my way

Wrong in song-ing well there’s no such way
Ring the wronging in the silent day
Common sense may pave my way
In brambles sometimes

But the birds do give glittery warbles
And I’m pickin’ up every marble
I’m flicking tear-drops back into the bay

Before I tell myself that I have nothing to say
Let me sing a line that leads into waves
Bite the hook and
Feel much hotter
Where there’s a jig
You can’t be bothered
But hold onto the things that matter
You wore the scales of the mad hatter
Whose clothes were made to fit your father
But surface now and breathe another
Breath can fill your chest with better weather


from Nature's Got Away, released September 23, 2008




Karl Blau Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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