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Get Your Shit Together for the Holidays

from Birdseed Shirt by Deleted Scenes

00:00 / 05:48
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haven't talked to anyone from back home
til the one phone call from the one pay phone in town
you were getting sober, oh but not by choice
when your mom just died at the sound of your voice
when you call for help
for a buck to eat
and the candles melt
in her advent wreath
and she says your name
and you swear you will change.

get your shit together for the holidays
you can cheer up, take some medication
keep your shit together for a couple days
you can fake whatever it takes

dust off a box of old forgotten clothes
if you clean up nice, no one will ever know
but what's the point of one more disguise
when you're not even yourself in your daily life?

because nothing fits
and you look like shit
and you oughta call
and call off the trip
but she said your name
it was all she could say

get your shit together for the holidays
you can cheer up, take some medication
keep your shit together for a couple days
you can fake whatever it takes.

know that going home is not the end
hope a family can be a friend
know the bones you broke will mend
build the bridges that you burnt again


from Birdseed Shirt, released January 6, 2009


all rights reserved



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