This is one of the most emotive and cinematic albums I've ever heard, and my own personal album of the year at time of writing. We Lost The Sea have gone above and beyond what I thought they were capable of. Zachary Wattus
masterpiece. one of the best post-rock albums out there and my favorite. left to rust and rot and barren lands of the modern dinosaurs are my favorites. rakugo
This album ranges from tender to oumph, doing so in a fashion that makes me think I'm out soaring in the praires or facing the unknown.
This is peak Caspian.
Probably their best work as of yet IMHO. humongouslomghonogoufungus
A very good album ! Probably for my taste the best album from God is an astronaut until this day. It has a Deep and mysterious side as if we were in a key place of connections between thoughts, living Earth and Sun. A place that we try to understand by found writings, without completely understand it? (note the latin, and hindi langage I think on the titles of tracks) . We are also neither too close nor too far from the middle of their sound, with more ambient here. Finally, the ! brighthorrizon