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Jess Brett - Kopfkino - Jess Brett Remix

from Kopfkino by Minimums, Jess Brett

00:00 / 03:54


Jess Brett's remix of Kopfkino takes the feel of the original track and takes it in a more energised direction. Her use of new elements transport the song and the end result is something very special.

Jess is an incredbily talented artist and performer. I met her by chance in Birmingham in 2022 and listened to her music soon after. I was really pleased when she kindly agreed to remix one of my tracks and really love what she's done with it! Please seek out her music when you can.


It may not happen, in this life or the next
but you’re the star, in my Kopfkino

it might just play out, in my mind’s cinema
we go far. in my kopfkino

a kiss a breath, low light no sound
But we’ll be found in my kopfkino
Will I get caught in this train of thought
as the credits roll in my Kopfkino

As the credits roll...


from Kopfkino, released March 21, 2025
Remixed, recorded and mixed by Jess Brett
Original track by Minimums


all rights reserved



Minimums UK

Electronic, soundtrack & ambient project.

Public tunes, secret identity.

Influences: Hyrbrid, Royksopp, Orbital

Featured on BBC Introducing's The Mix Tape.

"a virtually perfect arc of sound"
Trust the Doc

"crafted to perfection"
Signal Committee, Fresh on the Net Eclectic Picks

"A cinematic experience"
Only Human Radio
... more

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