supported by 26 fans who also own “That’s Not Art, That’s Not Music”
Unlike any other. Its feel is both reflective and down to earth, and the compositions are easily differentiated despite their relative shortness. Not only a pleasure to listen to, this album is rhythmically complex, but not in a maddening, hard to process way. Also, very clever album title. ianjworsomething
supported by 26 fans who also own “That’s Not Art, That’s Not Music”
Just the kind of gentle soundtrack I need when I am doing simple repetitive manual tasks. Impossible to decide on a favourite track because they are all wonderful. Jeremy Cherfas
supported by 25 fans who also own “That’s Not Art, That’s Not Music”
The shape of punk that is. The future is now! Open the Gates is the great conflagration of the past to act as a voice of hope in the darkness. Robby Morgan
Another great batch of sprightly, harmonic indie rock tracks from the Indianapolis trio; come for the riffs, stay for the ukeleles. Bandcamp... New & Notable Mar 12, 2025
Steered by singer and powerhouse percussionist Makara Biankora, Congolese collective KOKOKO! take in the nightlife on their rowdy second LP. Bandcamp New & Notable Jul 11, 2024