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DISCHI is glad to introduce Borusiade’s “A Measure of Chaos”.
After debuting on the alternative club scene of Bucharest, in 2002, the DJ and producer relocated to Berlin where they sharpened their signature sound often dark, with deep bass lines, obsessive and melodic themes.
On “A Measure of Chaos”, Borusiade channels the frazzling energies of today’s world, into a deep and intense piece of music.
The title track is a somber and atmospheric composition: through a precise sound design, Borusiade builds an almost apocalyptic soundscape, populated by machine-like electronic glitches.
On NPTQ, a symphony of razor-sharp synths immediately establishes a sense of urgency, a restless energy.
The track pulls you in, and doesn’t release you until the very last note.
All in all, “A Measure of Chaos” showcases Borusiade’s ability at worldbuilding, and invoking a full spectrum of emotions through a sensitive approach to electronic music.
The project is accompanied by remixes from two nightlife forces. Audrey Danza reworks A Measure of Chaos with a profound bass, crafting a mysterious, technoid trip. Byron Yeates’ take on NPTQ turns it into a proper dance tunnel, injecting it with a clubby, sweaty vibe.


from A MEASURE OF CHAOS, track released February 19, 2025
AD : Basile Fournier
Mastering : Conor Dalton - Glowcast Mastering


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Dischi Autunno Berlin, Germany

Internationally renowned DJ and correspondant label boss Jennifer Cardini
launches with partner Noura Labbani, Dischi Autunno, a brand new label to focus on rock, indie, ambient, prog and experimental music aiming at unique home listening experiences. ... more

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