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Eternal Affairs

from Stone Age Riot by Baker Island

00:00 / 01:36
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

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Save yourself
Don't let it prey on your mind
I'll be there after it's over
This town looks up, not down

If I were you, I'd not worry
I was conspicuous up to a point, at least
I knew it all once

You're gone
And I can read every thought that's behind your closed eyes
Every soiled thought from the grave
But since theres nowt after death
Going nowhere but south
But you said

A hand, now and then, put me in my place
A hand, now and then, put me in my place
A hand, now and then, put me in my place
A hand, now and then, put me in my place


from Stone Age Riot, released March 1, 2025
written by baker island in some form or another


all rights reserved



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