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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Includes digital pre-order of Here Comes the Afternoon. You get 3 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
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Eighteen months after delivering the goods with ‘Loose Terrain’, Monnone Alone re-emerge with the follow-up single – the fuzzy and frenetic ‘Dry Doubt’.

“Where’d they go?”, folks have been heard to ask, Mark Monnone and band seemingly at the height of their game (the Isobel Knowles-directed ‘Loose Terrain’ video depicting the 4-piece dancing a jig atop giant tropical fruit in outer space)… Well, the answer is simple: they’ve been finishing the rest of the album – Here Comes the Afternoon, out May 2 on Lost And Lonesome.

But back to the new single ’Dry Doubt’ and fittingly, this is a tale of rebirth – a party singalong about a family of long forgotten domesticated fish, trapped in the muddy depths of an overgrown backyard pond, finally liberated when the new occupants of the house excavate what appears to be a dried out garden patch.

But this ain’t no ‘Octopus’s Garden’! Guitarist Louis Richter wastes no time digging into some toothy fuzz-tone while drummer Gus Franklin discovers a wormhole back to the Haçienda, circa-mid-80s. Joe Foley duck-walks the bass all up and down while The Ladybug Transistor’s Gary Olson drops some heady bongos into the mix, further enhancing that baggy shuffle.

And, on the subject of guests, Mark Monnone is flanked by some quality ring-in backing vocalists – the aforementioned Isobel Knowles (The Icypoles) and Darren Cordeux (Kisschasy), both of whom are alumni of various Monnone Alone line-ups of yesteryear. This theme runs through the whole album; erstwhile Aloners making the odd walk-on cameo, balancing out the previous – truly alone – Monnone album of 2021, the COVID locked-down Stay Foggy.

‘Dry Doubt’ – check it out! It’s a love letter to Mother Nature and a plea to the policy makers and climate change deniers: “A wish for what it’s worth / some water for the earth / we’re all yearning for something to sing about”… a li’l ditty about a backyard pond and environmental protest song – that’s pretty good value in this age of shrinkflation!


from Here Comes the Afternoon, releases May 2, 2025
Mark Monnone – vocals, acoustic guitar
Louis Richter – electric guitar
Joey Foley – bass guitar
Gus Franklin – drums, backing vocals
Isobel Knowles – backing vocals
Darren Cordeux – backing vocals
Gary Olson – bongos, Tibetan singing bowl

Recorded by Gus Franklin and Mark Monnone at Three Phase and Stock Cube studios. Mixed by Gareth Parton at Los Bomberos. Melbourne, Australia. Mastered by Álvaro Lisson. Artwork by Mark Monnone.


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Monnone Alone Melbourne, Australia

Monnone Alone is Mark Monnone (formerly of The Lucksmiths) with a band that may or may not include Joe Foley, Louis Richter, Gus Franklin and Stanley Paulzen.

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