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The Marian Years

from Rebel Bishop by So Cow

00:00 / 03:02
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      €1 EUR  or more


  • Rebel Bishop - The Book(let) w/ CDr
    Book/Magazine + Digital Album

    32-page A5 booklet going into insane amounts of detail on So Cow - Rebel Bishop.

    Profound insight in every sentence, bad puns in some.

    Written by Brian Kelly, along with contributions, both written and design-wise, from Loreana Rushe.

    Each copy comes with a CD-r of the album, in a last minute concession. The CDr also features the Jesus Meets The Women and Affected Services EPs from 2024.

    Oh, and an extra special treat that will genuinely surprise and alarm, but that'll remain a secret until you get the thing in the post.

    Limited to 50 copies. Act now.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Rebel Bishop via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out


"Over time, Knock made its way into the Big Four of Pilgrimage sites in Europe, jostling with Medjugorje for the title of Third-Best-On-The-List." (p. 16)


Drove right over the island, Somebody’s had enough
Of morning DJs taking absolute guff
Sunrise low in December and you can’t remember leaving the house
The worst coffee ever created burning your mouth
Sitting in line, living just half of the time, Sitting in line, going right out of my mind
Drove right over the border, The grass is the greener
The further you drive, Green and red flags to greet you as you arrive
A congregation of no one And there is no one ringing the bells
For the 7th son of a 7th somebody else
Waiting in line, living just half of the time
Sitting in line, going right out of my mind
Caught out in dreamland
In every home is a healer, the brother handles the cash
Freezing cold baptisms out on Lough Mask
In every home is a header,but they’re getting better they like to think
If you wanna leave you just have to ask


from Rebel Bishop, released March 7, 2025


all rights reserved



So Cow Galway, Ireland

Tuam, Co Galway. It wouldn't let me put in Tuam above. 20 years of the same song, usually starts in G.

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