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Duck vs. Decorated Shed

from Ghost Palace by The Burning Hell

00:00 / 03:51
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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Ghost Palace on spacey black vinyl! With spot varnish cover on the sequins and beads hand-sewn for the cover by our own Ariel Sharratt. First 100 pre-orders come with a paper cutout Ghost Palace by Noah Bender.

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    It's Ghost Palace on Compact Disc! Comes with a lyric booklet, and a shiny circle with all of the music!

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Gather round all you humans, I’ve a tale to pass on down
About two architects: Rob Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
In Las Vegas, in the 60s, they took an extended trip
They were looking at the buildings all flashy on the strip

Casinos with their Eiffel towers and tacky Parthenons
Each one a basic structure with rhinestones added on
Versus the duck egg store shaped like an actual duck back in New York
In which everything is subservient to this one symbolic form

Well I’d rather be a duck than a decorated shed
Form and function integrated in my heart and in my head
Every person must decide before they get too old and dead
To be a duck or a decorated shed

Now I am well aware that this particular metaphor
Is meant for architecture and really nothing more
But I am a songwriter and not an architect
So this is undeniably beguiling, if not entirely correct

Most folks are office buildings, made of concrete, steel and glass
You see a thousand of them but never notice as you pass
Others show their colours in a way you don’t forget
What you get is what you see and what you see is what you get

That’s why I’d rather be a duck than a decorated shed
Form and function integrated in my heart and in my head
Every person must decide before they get too old and dead
To be a duck or a decorated shed

You can bet the piano-key window building sells pianos
And a man who’s like a frozen banana stand might be bananas
I’ve got a friend who’s a hot dog cart shaped like a giant wiener
You feel as if you know her just as soon as you have seen her

But it’s not about your hairstyle or the novelty glasses on your nose
It’s about how to wear your heart on the outside of your clothes
So if you’re sweet, don’t be a afraid to be an ice-cream-cone-shaped truck
Tell the world: “I am a duck, I am a duck, I am a duck!”

I’d rather be a duck than a decorated shed
Form and function integrated in my heart and in my head
Every person must decide before they get too old and dead
To be a duck or a decorated shed
Yes, every person must decide before they get too old and dead
To be a duck or a decorated shed


from Ghost Palace, released March 7, 2025


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The Burning Hell

The Burning Hell is the ongoing musical project of songwriter Mathias Kom and multi-instrumentalists Ariel Sharratt and Jake Nicoll, often including additional comrades and collaborators.

Their densely populated genre-shifting songs are packed with an abundance of literary, historical, cultural, and pop-cultural forebears, heroes and villains, subjects and objects, stories and hooks.
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