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Celebrities in Cemeteries

from Ghost Palace by The Burning Hell

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    Ghost Palace on spacey black vinyl! With spot varnish cover on the sequins and beads hand-sewn for the cover by our own Ariel Sharratt. First 100 pre-orders come with a paper cutout Ghost Palace by Noah Bender.

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    It's Ghost Palace on Compact Disc! Comes with a lyric booklet, and a shiny circle with all of the music!

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Shirtless Jim Morrison and his Floridian bedroom eyes gaze
From a postcard pinned to the gate round his grave at the Père-Lachaise
Immortal hormones above, or bones below:
Which one’s the real Lizard King? Baby, I don’t know
Let’s leave an offering of this compact disc of “Strange Days” with the cracked jewel case

You suggest we pay our respects to Oscar Wilde, after all, he’s not far
They’ve put glass round his tomb to prevent lipstick kiss au revoirs
But I’m undeterred, so I smooch the barrier
You say gross, you’ll catch syphilis or something scarier
Let’s be on our way, we’re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking for a bar

Celebrities in cemeteries,
Let’s go see where they are buried
All access passes six feet underground
Unlike the unknown and the nameless,
A hidden perk of being famous:
You get visitors long after you’re no fun to be around

As per his wishes, Gram Parsons’ assistant burned his body in Joshua Tree
A DIY funeral, by all accounts beautiful, but his family thought it was obscene
And now we’re sort of butchering the harmonies in “Hickory Wind”
In this suburban cemetery as we sing it to him
A for effort I say, we’ve come all the way to the outskirts of New Orleans, to get a look at

Celebrities in cemeteries,
Let’s go see where they are buried
All access passes six feet underground
Unlike the unknown and the nameless,
A hidden perk of being famous:
You get visitors long after you’re no fun to be around

In Oklahoma I know a spot under watchful stone elephant eyes
Where trapeze artists, ringmasters, and other circus folk go when they die
You’re surprised to discover they get visitors often
But everybody wants to know how many clowns fit in a coffin
And we’re all walking the tightrope of life between here and the Big Top in the sky

But it occurs to me I’ve never heard of The Great Huberto before
Here I am at his grave and I’m sad that he’s muerto, and I want to know more
So baby when I go, whatever the cost is
Build me a great golden monument, please make it preposterous
Maybe a bust or a statue on a marble mausoleum, you get the idea, I just wanna be a

Celebrity in a cemetery
They’ll all come see me where I’m buried
Once anonymous and nameless
I’ll be posthumously famous

Hey, you know who I appreciate?
Karl Marx in Highgate
Nico’s buried in Berlin
But I don’t know I’ve never been
Jimi Hendrix near Seattle
Parking there can be a battle
Serge Gainsbourg in Montparnasse
I left Gauloise and cool sunglasses
Writer’s that I’ve never read
Morrissey? He’s not dead


from Ghost Palace, released March 7, 2025


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The Burning Hell

The Burning Hell is the ongoing musical project of songwriter Mathias Kom and multi-instrumentalists Ariel Sharratt and Jake Nicoll, often including additional comrades and collaborators.

Their densely populated genre-shifting songs are packed with an abundance of literary, historical, cultural, and pop-cultural forebears, heroes and villains, subjects and objects, stories and hooks.
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