Just the kind of gentle soundtrack I need when I am doing simple repetitive manual tasks. Impossible to decide on a favourite track because they are all wonderful. Jeremy Cherfas
Warm synths, tape loops, kosmiche guitar, and folk melodies meet in a record that explores the relationship of the moon to the tides. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jun 8, 2023
Elaquent’s music recalls Oddisee’s instrumental work and Flying Lotus’ Cali-infused electronica. On “Worst Case Scenario,” the composer emotes a pastoral essence. Bandcamp Album of the Day Dec 16, 2016
The great underlying instrumentation paired with Florence's droll stream of consciousness lyrics make this album stand out. It feels so personal and confessional. Favorite tracks are Strong Feelings and Leafy. I've heard Scratchard Lanyard on alt radio and love that one as well. tofupotpie