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from Threats by BELLHEAD

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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Threats CD, Runaway CD, and 3rd CD of Your Choice: Good Intentions, Dead Lights, Nothing As It Seems, or January Eyes (Ivan Solo Album) selection made at check out.

    Includes digital pre-order of Threats. You get 1 track now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    shipping out on or around April 8, 2025
    Purchasable with gift card

      $15 USD or more 



She wants noise
She likes the thrill of the car crash
Likes it when the blood starts to rush
Leaves her words to last like razor burn
She wants damage
She doesn't respect what she can crush
She'll make you beg and plead
Make you dance to the gunshots
She whispered me a threat I won't soon forget

If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart then no one will

She wants drugs
She likes the dreams of revenge
Likes it when the skies turn to ash
When she walks, she walks like a ghost
She wants violence
She doesn't waste her time with prayer
She'll make you beg and plead
Make you dance to the gunshots
She whispered me a threat I won't soon forget

If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart then no one will

All the Kings horses
All the Kings Men
Couldn't stitch her back together again
All the Kings horses
All the Kings Men
Couldn't stitch her back together again

Good girls get good things
Bad girls Take what they want
Good girls get good things
Bad girls Take what they want
Good girls get good things
Bad girls Take what they want

If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart then no one will
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart
If I can't break your heart then no one will
No one will
No one will


from Threats, releases April 8, 2025


all rights reserved



BELLHEAD Chicago, Illinois

Post-punk male-female duo band. Two basses and a drum machine. No Guitar, No BS. MADE IN CHICAGO


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