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first single off our upcoming sophomore album


it's no big deal if the water spills
just a little bit
water puddles on the ground
though, you will see the floorboards lift
showing all the rotten hardwood underneath

its true, we don't come with warranties
keep it going 'til the water fries my battery

you blew the fuse
the damage said and done
and did you ever think about it?
what now?
what now?

it's no big deal if the water spills
just a little bit,
now the water's ankle deep
so you will see the floorboards lift
showing all the rotten hardwood underneath

you blew the fuse
the damage said and done
and did you ever think about it?
what now?
what now?

i'm not your home appliance
im not a tool
not a fool
i'm not quiet

now that things are torn apart
ill take it as a whole new start
and throw away these batteries
that never even ever really ever served me

now i'm gunna build again
to fix this leak you left in me

won't drown


released March 3, 2025
written: vz
produced: charlie brand
vox: vz
guitar: gil simo
guitar: jose plascencia
bass: david lopez
drums: joe small
mixed: dave weingarten
mastered: joe laporta
artwork: vz / tweakersynapse


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YUNGATITA Los Angeles, California

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