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Palm Springs (Single Version)

from Relaxed American by Heat Manager

00:00 / 04:56
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Sick and Alone backstage at Coachella
Tried to hangout with Best Coast and Cults
Oh well I’ll just look at my phone while I wait for Kanye to play

Then Ye threw a party in a tent behind the stage
While migrant workers made minimum wage
Cleaning up the mess left by the kids on MDMA

I was kicked to the curb of the golf cart path
In between Shangri-la and the Grapes of Wrath
‘Cause I wasn’t on the list and the front man was mingling inside

Paul McCartney was there he was dressed in white
To see the black keys who I guess were all right
And all i wanted was an advil and a hotel shuttle ride

Palm Springs!
These are places no living creature ought to go
Let alone hold a corporate indie rock show
Where you could reunite Fugazi and the kids wouldn’t know who they were

When we finally hit the stage at noon on-the-dot
The laptop shut down ‘cause it got so hot
Forget the backing tracks we can jam the outro long

You could hear the soundcheck from the grownup stage
It was Animal Collective, tracks fully engaged
At least the kids in the front knew the words to our songs

Palm Springs!
These are places no living creature ought to go
Let alone hold a corporate indie rock show
Where you could reunite Fugazi and the kids wouldn’t know who they were

I saw Neko Case looking for an exit carrying her heels
I was looking for a way out too
I remember thinking “I know just how Neko feels.”
And wishing to god that I was back in New York with you

Palm Springs!
These are places no living creature ought to go
Let alone hold a corporate indie rock show
Where you could reunite Fugazi and the kids wouldn’t know who they were

Ohhhhh Palm Springs!
These are places no living creature ought to go
Let alone hold a corporate indie rock show
Where you could reunite Fugazi and the kids wouldn’t know who they were


from Relaxed American, released March 7, 2025


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