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what’s additional to me is a grounded attack
pre-tax price i yell from the rooftops
some guy yells back
he says why don’t you get down from that point you’re at
picture me
yesterday digging a hole to get to the other side of the map
half my body in
some guy calls from the fence
saying i did that same thing trust me you dont wanna know what’s next
the funniest bit is i live alone, miles from the closest check

there’s e coli in this well water
i keep digging i’ll either get sick or more people might start speaking from my head
what a funny invention this life is
all that intuition you get tangled up in
and when i get done digging
i’m gonna finish washing these windows

5 stories up
6 stories up
7, 8 stories up

no wonder they call it that
something different on each floor
the duplex in my head has someone always knocking for more
they always ask where you going after this but never keep score
small fishing town we stop in
the short of it is i get by by force
the long answer we won’t get into
for now
better to sit back down
heat wave has my head spinning
this rash on my arm breaking out
we aint gonna catch nothing
walk back into the center for now
talking about how each day feels like another story we go down

5 stories
6, 7, 8 stories you go down

5 stories
6, 7, 8 stories you go down


from up/down & fair enough, released February 19, 2025


all rights reserved



cropscropscrops Montreal, Québec

ohio-born/montreal-based abstract rapper, producer, and video slicer. builder of glitch, narrative, and cracking staircases. here for the longest of hauls.

INQUIRIES --> cropsx3@gmail.com

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