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from 1000 Variations on the Same Song by Frog

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Me and my cousin young Arthur Mcbride
As we took the 6 train up to 125
Now mark what follows and what it betide
For you’d never think it was real

But for recreation intending to cop
Well we look around nervous got off at our stop
The pain it was hollow and the train it was hot
If only you knew how it feels

Up through the turnstiles out onto the street
Where the junkies were sleeping on grates for the heat
The pavement was cold under our feet
As we looked down the block for the deal

How much well I stammered two bags if you can
Well you put 40 dollars right here in my hand
Arthurs hand shook as we gave to the man
Whatever it was he could steal

Well far from my mind but young Arthur Mcbride
Had xeroxed six dollars at Kinko’s late night
Crumpled it up until it looked fine
and you coulda thought was real

Walked like its cool at the corner he ran
till the screens rang out over the neon wasteland
Get to the train as fast as you can
or die underneath of a heel

Fast was the man bang bang bang went his hands
Coming down on the head of young Arthur my friend
But the man didn’t notice an Izuzu van
That ran him down under the wheel

Me and my cousin young Arthur Mcbride
As we took the train back to the Lower East Side
You shoulda seen the look in his eye
If only I knew how it feels


from 1000 Variations on the Same Song, released February 14, 2025


all rights reserved



Frog New York, New York

Real cool guys from NY. Vocalist & Multi-Instrumentalist: Daniel Bateman / Drums & Percussion: Steve Bateman.
Bass: Thomas White

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Photo credit: innovacancy.com
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