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Sweet Sister Sorrow

from Sweet Sister Sorrow by THE PRIMITIVES

00:00 / 02:37
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She takes the sun right out of the the sky
Do do do do dooo
Steals all the light from out of your eyes
Do do do do dooo
You never know when she's gonna call
Do do do do dooo
You let her in and you're gonna fall
Do do do do dooo

Sweet sister sorrow plays her game
She's made of tears she's made of pain
She knows all the hurt in your heart

Despair is there when she is around
Do do do do dooo
Her siren's call enticing you down
Do do do do dooo

Sweet sister sorrow plays her game (sweet sister sorrow plays her game)
She's made of tears she's made of pain
She knows all the hurt in your heart

She takes the sun right out of the the sky
Do do do do dooo
Steals all the light from out of your eyes
Do do do do dooo
You never know when she's gonna call
Do do do do dooo
You let her in and you're gonna fall
Do do do do dooo

Sweet sister sorrow plays her game (sweet sister sorrow plays her game)
She's made of tears she's made of pain
She knows all the hurt in your heart
She knows all the hurt in your heart
She knows all the hurt in your heart
She knows all the hurt in your heart (all the hurt in your heart)
Do do do do dooo


from Sweet Sister Sorrow, released February 7, 2025
Paul Jonathan Court © Elefant Publishing

Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Paul Sampson


all rights reserved





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