supported by 8 fans who also own “Where Despair Has Made Its Home”
Extremely inventive and multifaceted sci-fi prog death, just like iridescent ethereal world on the cover art. Best band's achievement up to date. And easily in 2023 AOTY list Dmitry Nevozhay
supported by 7 fans who also own “Where Despair Has Made Its Home”
I've been waiting with buying this until I see them live, which was smart, because now that I did this twisted album sounds even better.
That was a great evening with Frightful, Clairvoyance 🖤, Cryptworm and Slimes, but you know what I missed? Blood Incantation. BI after Slimes would be such a natural course of things... 😆 YomaBarr
supported by 6 fans who also own “Where Despair Has Made Its Home”
Intense abyssal anthems of progressive blackened death/doom. Highly recommended.
Also "Geryon (The Plummet)" is one of the best album closers of the year. Kris Faust
supported by 6 fans who also own “Where Despair Has Made Its Home”
Like all the best death metal this is a bit unhinged and a lot of fun. The black metal elements add color without plodding and clear production gives the whole thing some extra heft. Miles Egan